Vertical Blinds in Singapore for Office

Vertical Blinds in Singapore the Professional Look

Vertical blinds in Singapore are one popular option for office. Vertical blinds are made with a number of long sheets fixed in the rail in vertical way to cover the window. It could be opened to allow the light entering the room and when it closed, the light is blocked. The sheets are thin and it requires a lot of sheets to cover single window. Since the sheets are thin, it will create a lot of opening when the sheets are turned. The result is evenly spread light to the room. The sheets could be turned from 0 to 90 degree.
Vertical blind is good for office room because it is simple and elegant. It could create professional look. Vertical blinds for office are available in various types with different ability to block the light. The first type is dim blinds that could block some light and make the room dim. The second type is blackout type that could make the room blackout because most of the light is blocked. Then, one popular choice of vertical blinds in Singapore is solar screen that very suitable for tropical area due to its ability to block solar light. To choose among vertical blinds options, customer may consider the need for specific room.
Although the color options are countless, vertical blinds that used in the office are commonly soft and neutral color such as cream or grey. The reason is to create neutral ambient in the room so it will not create distraction to the workers. Even more, neutral color makes the room look more professional. The blinds are commonly plain or with simple motif. The reason is similar to prevent distraction and create professional look.

However, some offices choose something more vibrant in order to create energetic atmosphere inside the room. It usually the choice of offices works with creativity or relate to children. Whatever the choice is, everything is available from vertical blinds in Singapore.

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Kami membantu Anda memberi solusi untuk kebutuhan Vertical Blinds. Baik untuk Kantor maupun untuk Rumah Anda. Jangan khawatir, Harga Discount yang kami tawarkan, tentunya tetap dengan kualitas yang terbaik.

Bahan Vertical Blinds bisa saja sama, Harga vertical blinds mungkin sama, namun hasil bisa jauh berbeda. yang membedakan adalah kualitas dan pengalaman tim kami dalam pengerjaan. Hasilnya akan berbeda.

Dengan semakin banyaknya peminat desain minimalis, Model gorden Vertical Blinds menjadi pilihan utama untuk ruang perkantoran. Namun, karena modelnya yang simpel dan minimalis, tidak jarang pula Rumah tinggal yang juga mengaplikasikan Vertical Blinds untuk jendela rumah.

Vertical Blinds mempermudah dalam pengaturan dan penyaringan sinar matahari yang masuk ke dalam ruangan. dan dari pengaruh faktor bahan, vertical blinds memberikan sentuhan kesan calm dan comfort untuk ruangan Anda.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh peng-aplikasian Vertical blinds baik dalam ruangan rumah, maupun di perkantoran. untuk list harga kami berikan di bawah gambar ini.

Lokasi kantor: petukangan selatan, pesanggrahan, jakarta selatan

Untuk harga Vertical Blinds. Berikut ini adalah harga tertera sebelum discount untuk pembelian dengan quantity tertentu:

Harga Vertical Blinds biasa mulai Rp 165.000 per meter
Harga Vertical Blinds semi black out mulai Rp 275.000 per meter
Harga Vertical Blinds blackout mulai Rp 305.000 per meter
Harga Vertical blinds UV block Rp 360.000 per meter

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Produk yang kami gunakan hanya menggunakan bahan baku vertical blinds terbaik, finishing dengan kualitas prima, anti toxic dengan standard internasional.

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